To have a look around and gain a bit of experience - Karl Chronicles - Post #99

Mr Karl M. Creelman, the young Nova Scotian, who is making a cycling tour ‘round the world, passed through Falkirk on his journey northward on Tuesday afternoon…Mr Creelman is a sturdy hardy-looking young man of 23 years who talks of his travels in a quiet, unostentatious manner. Pleasant in manner, he chats very freely. Questioned by an Advertiser representative during the brief period he was in town, some interesting particulars were elicited. He started from his native town of Truro, Nova Scotia, where his parents reside, on the 11th of May, 1899, having been on the road now for just over two years, his object being, as he himself put it, “to have a look round and gain a bit of experience”. 

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